100th Post

This is the 100th post here on Creative Splurges.

Wow. 100 posts. That’s quite a few. I’ve covered quite a lot over those hundred posts: parks, air shows, beaches, countryside, cities, rugby, wildlife, and the odd bit of doodling or creative writing.

Now, I’m the sort of person who thinks a milestone like this needs to be marked in some way or another.

So – firstly – I’ve bought creativesplurges.com. I figure I’ve done enough to warrant the URL, and dropping the ‘.wordpress’ from the address makes it look a whole lot neater when advertising it to people. That’s also allowed me to make some more interesting branding for the site, and if there’s anything I’ve learnt from years of experience in my current full-time job, there is nothing more important than branding. (yes, I am aware that is an in-joke so ‘in’ that a maximum of about three people reading this blog will get it)


Secondly I put together a short video celebrating some of my favourite images over the last year or so. It’s possibly one of those ‘more effort than it was worth’ projects, which started out a lot smaller than it eventually became. I’ll go into more detail on its creation in my April rundown post, which was delayed lest it inadvertently become the 100th post.

[edit: seems that embedding of the video is disabled against my control. Here is the direct link]

Primarily, however, I’ve decided to run a poll to find what you guys think is the best photo of the last 100 posts (well, I say I decided, it was Catherine’s idea, but I thought it was a good one).

There are a variety of images, and I am incredibly curious to see which one is the most popular of the 2,000+ images that have graced this site over the last fifteen or so months.

I’ve drawn up a shortlist of the top 25 images, based on the following selection method:

  1. The top five most ‘liked’ images on The Daily Photo
  2. One image each from the top five most ‘liked’ posts from Creative Splurges
  3. One image each from the top five most commented on posts from Creative Splurges
  4. Five reader suggestions (four of which were from my wife)
  5. Five favourites of mine that didn’t make the cut in the previous four selection methods.


This has produced quite an assortment of images, so I am genuinely excited to see what will come out on top.

The rules of the poll are simple: you only get one vote, so choose wisely, and the option order is randomised for each visitor to minimise favouritism for the images at the top of the list (or the bottom or middle, for that matter).

The poll closes in a week (assuming I’ve configured it correctly). The winning photo could end up as a canvas print on my wall, or tattooed onto a tramp’s face, whichever seems more appropriate.

Get voting, and thanks – as always – for reading. This would be nowhere near as fun without you wonderful people reading, liking and commenting!


4 thoughts on “100th Post

  1. congratulations on your 100th!


  2. Well, damn. The poll closed before I could get around to voting (it sounds as if you’re having the kind of week I had last week, hence the radio silence), but then you knew which my vote was for so you could… mentally include it?

    Big congrats on the 100th post though, and sorry it’s late!


    1. No worries, it gets crazy for all of us sometimes (this week and next are shaping up to be horrible, hopefully I’ll make it through to the Jubilee weekend without having a psychotic break).

      There’s one problem with retroactively and mentally including your vote – it will cause a tiebreaker! I could have a runoff vote, but if the same six people vote in the runoff as in the main vote above, my luck would be that each photo would get three votes apiece. D’oh!


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