The Shack by the Track

Every day, on my commute home (with the exception of days like today, where a fatality at Richmond Station sent me home a very long way round that took an extra hour and a half), on the final approach to Twickenham Station, I see an old, dilapidated hut by the railway.

Every day I see it, usually whilst I’m standing up ready to get off the train, rarely ready with my phone, even rarely with my DSLR on me.

Not yesterday.

Yesterday I was coming back from London having spent the afternoon with some friends and family (as you’d expect, taking some pictures – those will be along in a post soon), and as we were approaching Twickenham for once I had the wherewithal to have my camera ready.

It wasn’t quite that easy; I had only one chance to get this right, or I’d have to wait until another day. So, I had to set the zoom, focus and shutter speed to ensure a clean shot, all without actually seeing what I was trying to photograph.

So, all in all, I’m pleased that it turned out pretty well, and near enough exactly how I envisioned it.

1/1000sec, f/4.5, ISO 2000, exposure bias -0.33 (+0.49), 28mm

If I have any complaints, it’s that I would have preferred the camera to be pointing slightly lower, so there is a bit less sky and a bit more ground. I think the shot would have been slightly better framed that way. Not bad, though, for a photograph taken from a moving train.

One thing I really like: there is a vaguely human shape in the window. A hermit? A railway worker? A ghost? A discarded jacket? You decide.


Just the one photo from me today. I’ve got a bit of a backlog of posts to work my way through at the minute but I’m getting there; I am currently tending to move shorter posts up the queue a bit to get them out ahead of the posts that will take longer to write.

In marginally related news, I’m heading inexorably towards my 100th post here on Creative Splurges. And to mark this occasion, I want YOU to pick your best photo from the first hundred posts. I’ll be shortlisting some in time for a poll in Post #100, but if you have any suggestions for the shortlist, drop me a line on Twitter, in the comments below, or using the ‘Contact‘ page above.

Cheers for now,

4 thoughts on “The Shack by the Track

  1. greta shot, considering it’s made from a moving train… and the shape in the window? I’d say: a wandering spirit, because that sounds so nice 😉


    1. Wandering spirit does sound nice… better a benevolent ghost than something of pure evil consuming the life-force of children as they sleep.


  2. Really creepy…and I mean that in a good way 🙂


    1. Cheers! I didn’t even notice the creepy figure until I was just about to publish the post!


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